Vacationing Sustainably – This Spring Break & Beyond


Maddie Judas here, Live Green! Marketing and Communications Intern. Recently members of the Live Green! Team had the opportunity to write a blog on a topic that was of particular interest to us. I love to travel and also want to do so in a sustainable manner. So, I chose to write about vacationing sustainably. No matter the time of the year or the duration of your travels, there are definitely ways to leave a lighter travel footprint.

Spring break is right almost officially here, which means planning fun for a week of downtime, and maybe travel! As you begin planning your upcoming travels, it is important to think, pack, travel and of course, have as much fun as possible (and sustainably) during your next upcoming adventure.

Many of us know first-hand how beneficial traveling can be to sustaining ourselves, allowing us to explore new places, learn about new cultures and pursue new adventures. However, sometimes along the way we can forget the imprint and impact we can leave behind while traveling.

Read on for a full sustainable vacationing guide which includes many travel, packing, adventuring and even some destination tips and tricks for your next sustainable vacation!

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Packing effectively can definitely make or break your entire trip, but, with this sustainable packing list, you’ll be prepared to kick back, relax and explore, all while being sustainable along the way. 🙂 There are several practices you can adopt to reduce waste and minimize your environmental impact as you pack for your next adventure.

Reusable & Refillable Products 

Bringing reusables with you instead of using anything single-use can help reduce plastic waste and also save money! These can include reusable water bottles, reusable shopping bags, face wipes, towels, reusable utensils/cutlery for travel snacks, food containers, etc.

Opting for Refillable Containers

To minimize waste and make less of a harmful environmental impact, opting for refillable containers that don’t automatically become waste when you return home is a fantastic way to give back to the environment while you’re on-the-go. Instead of going out of your way to buy travel-size containers that will end up in the landfill after usage, using empty prescription pill bottles that are already the perfect travel-size is a great way to improve your impact while also being able to pack your favorite brands of shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, etc. They are the perfect size for liquid restrictions and they DO NOT leak. I have tried this one personally – even on a recent international trip.

Reef Safe Sunscreen

If you’re planning on traveling to a beach, lake, or anywhere where the sun is shining, sunscreen is definitely a necessity. According to The Ocean Foundation, an estimated 14,000 tons of sunscreen is believed to be deposited in oceans annually with the greatest potential impact occurring to beautiful coral reef areas. Many sunscreens contain harmful and toxic chemicals to aquatic ecosystems like octinoxate, titanium oxide – among others. It is important to look for sunscreens that are made from minerals, are biodegradable and are safe for marine live coral reefs – and of course, yourself! For an official sunscreen guide, visit the Environmental Working Group website. To make your own reef safe sunscreen, visit the Live Green Pinterest Page.

Eco Friendly Insect Repellent

If you’re planning on traveling somewhere where bugs could become an annoyance, insect repellent is also another necessity you will need. Many repellents have chemicals in them that are both harmful to you and to wildlife. According to the Natural Pesticide Information Center, a main ingredient, DEET, in insect repellents is known to  cause irritation to the eyes, rashes, upset stomach and has even been associated with seizures. Packing an eco-friendly and all-natural insect repellent is essential to keep you from getting bug bites and making a more sustainable impact on both the environment and yourself. There are a lot of different options of insect repellents you can buy! Visit the Better Homes & Gardens website for 5 eco-friendly bug repellents! To make your own eco-friendly bug spray, visit the Live Green Pinterest Page.

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Pack Versatile Clothing

Selecting clothing items that can be mixed and matched easily and also work for multiple occasions, can lighten your luggage – minimizing the amount of laundry you’ll have to do when you arrive back home and offering more room and weight allotment for souvenirs.

Leave Unnecessary Items Behind

If you’re going on a trip that requires airfare, we all know about the extra charges that airlines add on if your suitcase doesn’t meet the requirements for weight. As well as excess clothing, as mentioned above, avoid bringing excessive items that you do not need or might not use. To also assist with extra charges, choose a durable, lightweight suitcase. If you are shopping for new suitcases, consider looking at thrift stores for a reuse option or choosing brands that incorporate sustainable materials, such as recycled plastics. For some examples of sustainable travel suitcase and bag options, visit the greenmatters website.

For more tips and tricks on ways to sustainably pack for your next vacation, visit the Laidback Trip website and don’t forget to pack some delicious eco-friendly snacks – to sustain yourself and save money! 🙂

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When it comes to transportation, there are many opportunities to minimize the impact of your journey on the environment. Choosing eco-friendly transportation including public transportation, trains or buses = as well as walking or biking around locations,  whenever possible can significantly reduce your personally-created carbon emissions. If you are traveling somewhere that requires plane tickets, try choosing an airline that has a green initiative and is taking steps to improve their environmental impact. For example, Delta Airlines, American Airlines and Alaska Airlines all have green initiatives set in place. To find eco-friendly flights, check out Alternative Airlines website!

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There are also ways in which you can stay green while finding housing accommodations. Look for hotels, homestays, etc. that have green initiatives in place like energy efficiency, waste reduction and water conservation. Some sustainable accommodation options that have become very popular over the past couple of years are net-zero Airbnb’s, as Airbnb is Becoming a Net-Zero Company by 2023Getaway House- Tiny Cabin Vacation Rentals, and Low-Impact Camping! You can also find yourself a homey, yet sustainable place, to stay on the ecobnb website!

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As you arrive at your eco-friendly accommodation, it is important to use electricity sparingly and conserve water when you can. The daily average water usage per hotel room ranges from 100-400 gallons according to Pure Blue Sustainability. You can be more sustainable by trying to do as little laundry as possible,  if at all, while on your trip – and request as little laundry as possible is done for you (through reusing towels, for example). In addition,  brushing your teeth, shaving  and doing dishes without running the water when possible. On average, hotels also spend $2,196 on energy per room each year, which makes up about 6% of all operating costs according to Energybot. Some ways to reduce your energy usage is to turn off the lights and TV when you aren’t using them, especially when you leave your hotel room, and making use of programmable thermostats (that are found in most hotel rooms) by programming them a few degrees warmer or colder (depending on the weather in your destination) to save energy and reduce emissions when you are not in your room.

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Courtesy of Live Green!

There is nothing more exciting than picking a destination for your next adventure and planning out all of the fun events and activities you will conquer while you’re there! Stepping out of our comfort zones, engaging in new activities, learning about new cultures and embracing ourselves in new environments is all amazing. However, sometimes we forget the imprint that we leave along the way.

Picking a spot for your next vacation can be both stressful yet exciting, especially when trying to find a sustainable place to travel. There are so many breathtaking yet sustainable travel destinations out there to add to your vacationing bucket list. Here are the Top 10 Most Sustainable Travel Destinations according to Sustainability Magazine.

As for sustainable activities, there are so many extraordinary ways to be eco-friendly and give back to the planet! Supporting local businesses and immersing yourself in new cultures and natural ecosystems is the best way to gain a memory-filled  experience and give back all at once.

Choosing to support local travel guides, shops, restaurants, etc. is always a good way to be more economically sustainable and support the local economy. According to Score, small businesses donate 250% more than larger businesses to local nonprofits and community causes. Small businesses also are an extremely vital component in providing local communities with jobs and supporting families and community initiatives. In addition, the money that you choose to spend at local businesses all stays within the local community!

There are many apps you can download or websites to view while on vacation to find local eateries, shops, activities, and all things tourism. A helpful app to find local eateries is ChefsFeed, which provides dining recommendations directly from local chefs! You can also find local and nearby farmers’ markets on vacation by visiting the National Farmers Market Directory website. As for shopping locally, asking locals about the best places to shop is a great way to both connect with others and find local hidden gems! For more tips and tricks on local tourist activities, visit the AFAR website.

Have a Great Trip!

Preparing for adventures can be both exciting and a little unnerving, but Live Green! has you covered! Refer to the above tips, tricks and resources to ensure your next trip (and all the trips in your future) are incredible AND sustainable! Whether embarking on a short weekend road trip with your friends or family, or a more elaborate vacation via plane, these pointers can help make your next sustainable getaway one to look back on as a sustainable accomplishment and one for scrapbooks, photo albums and social media platforms!

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